Carlos Corres
Carlos Corres (1973), born in Bilbao and resident in La Rioja (Spain), a degree in Fine Arts from the University of Salamanca, has exhibited his work in Germany, EEUU, Italy, Belgium, Chile, China and Spain.
Among others, has gotten the awards: Medal of Honor in the XIX BMW Painting Award, First Prize of the Second National Painting Contest Parliament of La Rioja and First Prize at the MARCA 5th Sports Painting Award.
He has held positions as a juror in several arts awards, artistic director, curator, graphic and product designer, illustrator, painter and teacher workshops. It also conducts master classes and conferences and advises companies and institutions on the image. He is co-founder of "Globartia Visual Art Company" dedicated to achieving artistic murals and sociocultural projects from the mark "Mural Open".
He is currently CEO of "Food Painting ®" brand, exploring new ways of action between gastronomy and art live around the world.
"As an artist, I explore and filter reality through the creation of new ways of conceiving conceptual image using a hybrid configuration with pseudo-abstraction." As a person, I conceive life as an interaction of experience, the positive significance of the day and the momentum / intention / motivation to improve my relationships with everyone."
Beyond conventional representation, where reading and perception codes are wholly shared by artist and spectator, there is an unexplored territory that stretches between direct reading and the limits of understanding.
On the piece’s two-dimensional platform that search is undertaken: the re-interpretation of reality on the basis of volume sensations and iconological elements that arise from a single skin, a primitive substance: the stain.
That’s the genesis: the analysis of non-finite, of abstraction and texture in order to clear a thousand paths of dialogue with the observer that run and get lost without reaching any named place. Accomplishing those encounters and departures is the goal of creators of void. On that twinning I base the logic of my existence.
"Drawing is and will be the best tool of expression to translate ideas, daily observations and visual impacts, transfer on media whose validity dignifies the time of execution. Final work or does not allow us to explore endless possibilities of transgression in time real."
"The line as a graphic guide to reality, that being sketch is built on nothing (white); subconscious compositions (real or not) a world full of formal variations that make up new spaces / Volumetric items of enjoyment for our perception." Performance / Explanation: various technical resources and different forms of graphic expression in search of "FUR" about tondo format (paper plates) as a final product and exhibition object is used. Belonging to the "brand dishes 15/6" ® Food Painting "series.
Children between abstraction and visual maps without preset codes. Decorative time entertainment without rules in total freedom of expression. Illustrative tattoos without communication objective. Combinations and permutations perceptual exposed to social psychological environment: A "work in progress", a space, a format, an artist, a visual mapping or scanning of ideas or wills to customize live jazz alternative pure taste.
His works have been shown both at group collections and one man shows such as:
Bélgium: Brusels European Parliament.
Gent Flanders Expo.
Oupeye Château d’Oupeye
Dendermonde KunstGalerie Pieter Pauwel
Lebbeke Kunsthal Manu-Mail – Artivent - Pieter Pauwel
Liége L´atelier d´emmanuelle.
Hasselt The 26.Art and Antiques Fair. Grenslandhallen.
Germany: Darmstadt Justus Liebig Haus- Kommunale Galerie.
China: Shanghai Universal Expo 2010. Spanish Pavillion
Beijing 798 SPACE, LAN Club, MA Studio,
Sunshine International Museum (6th Culture and Art Festival of Songzhuang 2010),
Liberty Village Art Gallery
Chile: Santiago Galería de Arte Contemporáneo Centro Norte.
Italy: Brescia Santa Giulia- museo della Cittá.
Gardone Val Trompia Centro Arte Lupier.
Villa Carcina Villa Glisenti.
Taiwán Taipéi DN Innovación / A.I.R. Taipéi.
Spain: Alicante Galería Juan de Juanes.
Avilés Galería Octógono/ CMAE/ La noche blanca
Aranjuez Centro Cultural Isabel de Farnesio.
Madrid Galería Mada Primavesi/ Casa de las Américas/ Casa de Vacas/
Pabellón de Convenciones de la Casa de Campo/ Centro Riojano/
Museo Thyssen-Bornemisza/ Feria Art Madrid 09.
Mérida Asamblea de Extremadura.
Oviedo Palacio de Congresos.
Santander Galería Acuarela.
Sevilla FIBES.- Palacio de Congresos y Exposiciones de Sevilla.
Tudela Centro Cultural CastelRuiz.
Pamplona Galería uno2tres, Galería Pintzel.
Zizur Mayor Galería ArteA2.
Briones Dinastía Vivanco Museum of the Culture of Wine
Logroño Ayuntamiento de Logroño/ Showroom Grupo Pancorbo - Galeria Arteaga/
Galería Pedro Torres/ Bodegas Ontañón/ Instituto Riojano de la Juventud (IRJ)/
Fundación Caja Rioja/ Ibercaja/ Andres Dulce/ BD Rioja /
Tarragona Palacio de Congresos.
Zaragoza Feria ARTZ/ Galería Aragonesa del Arte.