Investing is one of the smartest decisions you can make, regardless if you truly know the stock market or not. Investing into the stock market can seem like a foolish idea if you're not sure how to, but it can also be foolish not to invest in the stock market either. Taking risks is part of investment, and can teach you lessons no matter what happens.
If you're someone who holds onto valued items for decades waiting for the right time to sell it, then keep holding onto that item. Stocks offer the most potential for growth in the shortest amount of time.
Even if investing in the stock market seems like a scary idea, remember you don't need to invest all your money into the stock market to see it grow. As time goes on, the stock will naturally grow. Especially if you've invested into a big company (Coca-Cola, Disney, etc.)
One of the biggest rockstars of the investing world is none other than Warren Buffett, one of the richest men in the whole entire world. Warren Buffett had been interested in the stock market since he was a little boy, where he learned the value of the dollar, and the potential growth it could create. Now he is the CEO and Chairman of Berkshire-Hathaway, his own company. adores Mr. Buffett's ideologies so much that we offer many products with his various wisdom.
"Diversification may preserve wealth, but concentration builds wealth."
-Warren Buffett
Premium ceramic 11oz coffee mug.
Microwave and dishwasher safe.
"Our favorite holding period is forever."
- Warren Buffett
This print is available in two sizes: 8x10 inches and 11x17 inches
"Rule #1 never lose money. Rule #2 never forget rule number one."
- Warren Buffett
8 x10 inches Print.We have made matting and framing of your art print easy by leaving a white border. This print can be framed in an 8 x 10 frame. It also fits very nicely into an 11 x 14 matted frame.
"What the wise man does in the beginning, the fool does in the end."
-Warren Buffett
This print is available in two sizes: 8x10 inches and 11x17 inches
"We don't have to be smarter than the rest. We have to be more disciplined than the rest."
Warren Buffett
This print is available in two sizes: 8x10 inches and 11x17 inches
This quote fromWarren Buffett is one of our favorites.
This chalkboard-style design is the perfect match for Buffett's thought on value investing.
The poster is a digital print with a glossy finish. It is carefully rolled and protected with a plastic sleeve. We use sturdy cardboard mailing tubes for ease in shipping.